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Drug Addiction Quotes- Stop Drug Addiction & Save Life

People become victims of substance abuse for different and often inscrutable reason. But whatever these reasons are, it is undeniable that this problem wrecks havoc in the lives of its victims and the society. It is proven that there is a connection between the increasing crime rate and substance use. Other than being perpetrators of crimes, people under the influence of substances damage their own health. Cases of drug overdose, alcohol-driven accidents, and infections are common in emergency rooms, hospitals, and sadly, even morgues. But there is still hope for the family, friends, and the addicted individuals.

Different addiction treatment programs are launched yearly by the government and other civilian organizations in hopes of promoting a healthier and peaceful society. It is the nicotine in the tobacco that is addictive. This chemical is absorbed by the brain where it changes the brain chemistry and affects your mood. The interior of your lungs contains a very large surface area designed to absorb oxygen into the blood stream. This same area also absorbs nicotine very well giving the smoker a sudden rush of nicotine. The nicotine is carried directly to the brain with each puff.

Most people, who take up drug addiction, especially if they live in a tough neighbourhood, do so because it is the cool thing to do. Peer pressure is a terrible thing in this world, especially if you're a youth. The last thing you want is to have your peers laugh at you, call you chicken or whatever daily abuse they dish out when you tell them no thank you to the cigarette they hand you.

So in order to not be teased into oblivion you take the cigarette and take your first puff. Some people metabolize nicotine far faster than others; these people will have a much stronger physical addiction than someone whose body metabolizes it slower. There is an enzyme created in the liver that breaks down the nicotine. People with lower amounts of this enzyme are less likely to smoke and if they do smoke they are more likely to be light smokers. It is possible that there is even a genetic link to the psychological addiction. There is evidence that how you handle stress is at least partially controlled by genetics.

Nowadays many teens are seen to develop the habit of drug addiction cigarettes or marijuana. As teens learn drug addiction cigarettes stealthily for fun first become chain smokers and then get addicted to be flying in an imaginary world of illusion and hallucination. To the worst of all, when they choose not to quit drug addiction cigarettes become slaves to drug addiction and they are caught in the Web of Schizophrenia disorders. As a consequence to the worst of all they create chances in the long run to develop psychotic symptoms with them.

Drugs Treatment

Dentists are some of the biggest assistants for those wanting to stop drug addiction since they have a good amount of tools to aid in this endeavour. Dentist employee drug addiction sensation aids in items such as nicotine patches and therapeutic advice. If you are a smoker now may be the time to think about quitting. Do not let anyone forced to do anything you do not want to do but think about drug addiction and the devastating affect it has on both your mouth and general overall bodily health.

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